Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday . . .

Nothing new on the home front other than we have a new shop apprentice and the HELL CITY Festival in Columbus is well on it's way! the boss is on vacation in good ol' sunny FLA! How I miss the warm sunny weather. I think a trip to Key West is in order! A day or two is all I need :)

My husband and will be in attendance at ROCK ON THE RANGE, which happens to fall during the HELL CITY Tattoo Festival. I'm hoping to get some great shots of the concert and of the festival. This will be the first time I've attended the HELL CITY Fest! Can't wait!

Almost forgot! I received my first tattoo with a pneumatic! I was amazed. It felt as though my hubby was drawing on me with a skin scribe! I've experienced no scabbing or pain and little to no pealing! What a truly amazing machine!!

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