I received a really 'off' e-mail this morning from an old friend, so to speak . . . It was one of those 'I miss you' kind of e-mails, but the kind where the person writing it is attempting to be intimidating! Ugh!! What is up with people?
In our industry I have to admit and we all know this to be true . . . We sometimes, in my case, more times than not, I've found myself aligned with the less than upstanding citizens . . . I'm not trying to be uppity, but I am educated and sometimes, well . . . It's simply too much! In fact, it's exhausting. I remember back when my husband and I owned our own shop, I used to give the guys the 'word of the day'. If they could spell it and tell me the meaning, I would up their percentage for the day OR they could leave two hours early. In all that time NO ONE ever got it right! Point made!
The other thing that gets to me is the weird jealousy that goes on when someone new is hired. An old employee, or a new apprentice. People, whom I won't mention by name, seem to make themselves know (again), when in truth I haven't heard from them for more than six months. Now, tell me that's not obvious! Again, UGH!
Remember, if it looks like it crawled out from under a rock, it probably did!